
Clown or "the smallest mask in the world"

We play. Play with the smallest mask in the world. Playing with the trademark of many clowns - the (red) nose.
put them on!

Get involved in your own emotional, physical play with spontaneity, improvisation and interaction, your freedom

to discover and enjoy - solo, in a duo

or in the group.

The clown acts on the fly. He enters into interactive contact with the audience emotionally and spontaneously.

Holds up the mirror to himself and us. He always moves on the edge of the abyss.
Step is missing and gets up again to try again: Is naïve hope for us border crossers, who questions everything and

upside down.

With a lightness that makes us laugh and cry and touches us with its truthfulness.

But what is comedy? How is it created? Towards simplicity and authenticity. With special attention to the emotional,

naïve physical expression and the joy of playing create touching moments.
Curiosity lets us search for our own comedy, naivety, lightness and spontaneity.

We work on perception, facial expressions, gestures and voice. Our body is the basis and emotional tool.

A workshop for beginners, advanced players, those interested in theatre, those who are curious and everyone who enjoys the game and its inexhaustible possibilities.

Participants - Comments

... you did such a great job! In the last few days I've trusted myself to do more than I've done in decades. Thank you for everything.

You are so sensitive and tease the possible out of everyone. That's a wonderful gift. I'm so glad to know you guys and I'm already looking forward to the next workshop. I haven't laughed as much as I did this weekend in a long time. That feels so good! Keep it up. And I wish you lots of blessings. I can't put into words what I feel. Hmmm...

... you had a good life again. I felt very comfortable and free and deeply connected. Searching with like-minded people for what makes life precious. In contact with me, with others, the chair, nature, eating and drinking, ... Thank you for the space that you open up cheaply and weave finely with many suggestions and encounters. I come home from the weekend richly gifted, uplifted and proud,

Beauty and joy with you.

"You learn how little it takes for a feeling to wander." "Fun weekend, with warm-hearted feedback & tips that you can apply directly in practice." "One small step for me, one big step for my clown character." "A weekend that felt like a holiday. Great hosts & coaches who, with their many years of practical experience, bring the clown in you to life and continue to shape it."

... I felt very comfortable at your "red noses" workshop. You managed to bring together young and old on an international level (Slovaks, French and German). This is Europe!!! The language wasn't that important, the communication came from the heart!! I took the positive impressions with me into the new week. The workshop was very labor intensive and instructive. The impulses are still working. In short, I had a lot of fun...

Beginners and professionals, students and retirees, actors, singers and clinic clowns, teachers, coaches and therapists in a clown workshop?

Yes!!! We experience deep encounters with ourselves and people of different generations, professions and nationalities. We understand each other without words, because the language of the clowns speaks from the heart and with the body, expresses what words can only approximately describe. We learn by trying and experiencing for ourselves. We learn from each other - and so much from you both! Your criticism is sensitive, appreciative and constructive if you give us tips on how our performance and our game can be even simpler and more real. And in the "clown birth" you track down buried treasures in us and help us to bring them to light with the true art of midwifery. Deeply touched and enriched, we drive back into our world and realize how the few days as a clown have changed us: softer, more receptive and understanding, but also more authentic, real and safer we step back into our everyday life. It feels like reborn: as a clown – and as a person.
Sooo beautiful. Thanks!

clown workshops

08/12 - 08/15 2022

Hofheim Ufr.

It was 4 beautiful, exhausting and creative days.

And have fun with it.

We would like to say a big thank you to our participants

thank you for being there.


... again a huge thank you for this great, great workshop! Your openness, your hospitality, the cooking and catering.

The great atmosphere during and between work. Your view of each individual person. Your expertise and attentive support. Your flexibility and your enthusiasm. ... I took a lot of impulses with me and I think that they will continue to work and have an effect on me for a long time to come ...

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