Sams Revue


Sams-Revue, a foray through the Sams books by Paul Maar

Age group 6-10 years or family performance

Duration approx. 60 minutes

Director: Maike Jansen and Stefan Ferencz

In a series of scenes full of slapstick, puns and physical play, two playmakers take turns leading through episodes of different Sams books over 60 minutes and bring stories and characters to life in an “imaginative firework display”.

The Sams - who doesn't know it - cheeky and funny, irreverently rhyming, it comes along and unashamedly questions everything and turns it upside down.

After meeting Sams, the shy Mr. Taschenbier suddenly no longer allows himself to be tyrannized by Mrs. Rotkohl and finally even manages to fulfill his wishes himself.

But Mr. Taschenbier is not the only one who experiences a change through Sams....

Sams-Revue, a foray through the Sams books by Paul Maar

© Performance rights held by Verlag für Kindertheater Weitendorf, Hamburg

Processing: Maike Jansen & Stefan Ferencz

... A splendid, imaginative firework display began with circus magic, in the course of which the scenes cast a spell over us so much that we couldn't stop smiling, amazed, shivering, counting and wishing along ...

... It's not so much the words, but above all the facial expressions of the two actors that make the children laugh again and again ...

... The players rely on minimal equipment. You can see what role they are in by looking at the small nose masks, otherwise there are hardly any props. They use noises and facial expressions to characterize situations...

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